ESP8266 LED lighting: LED Power Supply China vs Mean Well

As you’ve been able to read in previous posts, I’m working on a lighting system in my new home based on LED downlights and LED strip.

Although the LED Downlights can come with a driver, I’ve opted not to use those (and save about ~5$ per light). I will be driving both directly with DC power. This requires me to have a large amount of DC wattage. And since buying power supplies for this is an investment, I’ve decided to test a few “cheap” Chinese models vs Mean Well models to see how they compare and which would be the best investment. Continue reading ESP8266 LED lighting: LED Power Supply China vs Mean Well

Xbox One Scorpio vs PS4 Neo, great news for PC gamers!

Over the last few days news has been getting out or being released about the upcoming Sony Playstation 4 Neo (September/October this year) and the Microsoft Xbox One Scorpio (Somewhere Q2 2017).

Although I believe this to be all well and great for the console gamers, I’d like to highlight a different perspective on it, the PC gamers perspective, let’s start with a bit of history!

–Warning: This post has been written very much from my (a PC gamer) perspective! Continue reading Xbox One Scorpio vs PS4 Neo, great news for PC gamers!

Review: Orico DUB-12P, 12 port Phone Charger

Last review was about the Anker PowerPort 10, today we are stepping it up a notch and I’m reviewing the Orico DUB-12P a 12 port charger which officially supports up to 5v 20A or 100 watt of total output power! Definitely the most powerful USB charger I’ve ever seen! Continue reading Review: Orico DUB-12P, 12 port Phone Charger

My personal blog for pasting random (mostly technology related) things out of my head on (virtual) paper